PMA - Austria / PMA is a member of the IPMA Association.
We are SW tool-partner of PMA.
Project Management Institute Chapter Germany
We are member of PMI - Germany.
GPM - German community for project management
We are member of GPM.
Through our long-term experience, we are able to quickly identify what situation companies may be facing, and implement our know-how straight to the point in the project-, process-, quality- and risk management. We reduce complexity through the linking of management systems, optimise structures and thus make companies more effective.
More information about the services can be found here:
Primas CONSULTING is an innovator and leader in the fields of project management and organizational consulting. We stand for trend-setting, practicable solutions and focus on increasing efficiency in projects. We offer innovative seminars, workshops and moderation as well as certification preparation. All our offers are aimed at promoting the transition into practice!
You can find further information at
Centerline Management Consulting is the consulting company for raising efficiency in technically-oriented companies. A special focus in the consulting lies in process and project management.
More information:
TOMKAT is the leading provider of training courses concerning the processes and methods of jet pilots.
TOMKAT offers advice, individual training, team training and coaching for project teams, organizations and companies in the areas of project management, agile management, focused management and Zen leadership.
More information:
FH Joanneum GmbH, Kapfenberg
The Platform for Innovation Management (PFI) is the leading organisation for innovation management in Austria with more than 159 members from industry, KMU, research and science. Since 2003 the PFI has developed into the largest community for users, experts and interested people in innovations management.
We have been members of the PFI since 2010 as experts in project management in the innovation branch.